The announcers and crowd are waiting for the next segment of Overdrive to begin, when the lights go out, and a stage light shines on the stage in a low, non-suggestive way.
Joshua Brahn: "Oh, what the devil is going on now?"
Mark Lancer: "The lights seem to have gone out here at the High Octane Wrestling Arena."
The crowd is stirring and muttering, wondering what is going on. So are our announcers.
Joshua Brahn: "That's just a brilliant observation. Think our audience at home couldn't divine that the lights have gone out?"
At that moment, the stage in front of the Titan-tron explodes in a brilliant display of pyrotechnics. When the smoke clears, a wrestler, wearing jeans and a leather jacket, stands at the top most base of the ring, holding his arms out, as the base kick to "Time to Fly" by the Urge begins to strum in the background.
The crowd erupts in cheers.
Jack begins to walk down to the ring, pointing and acknowledging fans, and giving the occasional high five and fist bump.
Joshua Brahn: "Last that I heard, this loon was working in another organization. The last place anyone expected him to show up would have been here."
Mark Lancer: "But here he is. JACK LEGACY! One of the best young wrestlers in the business has shown up here, on HOW Overdrive."
Jack works his way from ring post to ring post, climbing up on each turnbuckle, and raising a hand to the crowd while thumping his chest with his open off hand 3 times. He repeats the routine at each ring post. Thousands of strobe lights go off, lighting the arena as fans take advantage of the photo opportunity.
Joshua Brahn: "You see, I can't stand this. Just say what you have to say. Why all this posing?"
Mark Lancer: "This is his moment, Josh. Let him enjoy it."
Joshua grumbles something unintelligible and goes silent.
Jack Legacy works his way to the ring edge and takes a microphone from a ring tech. He walks to the center of the ring, and places the microphone to his mouth.
Jack Legacy: "My name is JACK LEGACY. And I have COME to HOW!"
The crowd erupts into cheers.
Mark Lancer: "Does this mean he has a contract? Does this mean he's signed?"
Joshua Brahn: "Great, another 'wrestler' who is all talk."
Jack lets the cheers die down before continuing.
Jack Legacy: "First, I'd like to extend my thanks to Christina Chase, for taking a chance on a young, unproven wrestler like myself.
" I have come to build my LEGACY in H...O...W! I am going to CLIMB the MOUNTAIN. I am going to FOLLOW the GOLDEN PATH of EXCELLENCE.
" I am going to plant the SEEDS of VICTORY in the GARDEN OF EXPECTATION."
Joshua Brahn: "Garden of expectation? What the he-?"
Mark Lancer: "Shh!"
Jack Legacy: "And at the TOP of that MOUNTAIN, I'm going to build a HALL that will stand as a TESTAMENT to my GREATNESS."
Jack seems to slow down and ponder for a moment.
Jack Legacy: "I can come out here and make a lot of promises to all the great fans of HOW. But lets face it:
"Promises can be broken.
"and JACK LEGACY is fully capable of DISAPPOINTING the masses."
The crowd goes from stirring to silent.
Jack Legacy: "So I can promise you only a couple of things.
"You get my best effort, every night.
"You get my HEART, and my SOUL, every time I take the mic.
"And when it's over, and the bell has rung, and the outcome has been decided, my HALL OF FAME will be built, and YOU will be ENTERTAINED."
The crowd enjoys this. They cheer in appreciation and recognition.
Jack Legacy: "So JACK LEGACY has COME to the H..O..W. Let the LEGACY BUILDING...BEGIN!"
Jack drops the microphone as the familiar base chords kick back in. Jack climbs out of the ring and starts to walk back up the ramp.
Mark Lancer: "This is INCREDIBLE! JACK LEGACY has signed a contract with Christina Chase!"
Joshua Brahn: "Jack Legacy has signed a contract with H.O.W, Mark. And if what I just heard is any evidence, this wierdo is going to MAKE a mark. Not sure what kind of mark that is going to be, but we will see it here on OVERDRIVE."
Jack stops at the top of the ramp and raises both of his hands over his head. The crowd erupts in cheers as pyrotechnics erupt in the ring.
The camera fades out as "Time to Fly" continues to play in the background.
**OOC: This is a first effort. I did color coding because I've found my promo's are easier to read when coded. Let me know if there is anything that needs changing for character or composition.