As Jacques music hits he and Mr. Bates walk to the ring... The Frenchise seems to be on crutches.
When he reaches the ring he grabs a mic.
Jacques groans: Mr. Referee.... Spank! I am afraid I cannot compete tonight for my belt. It feels me with great frustration to not being physically able to compete tonight, but enthusiastic fans hurt me backstage points at his leg Who can blaim them for their ecstacy? Mr. Bates...
Gill Bates: I have here a sickness certificate for Mr. LaCroix. Hands it over to the referee.
-> If Referee declares that the match has to take place or that Jacques will loose his title if not competing HE will try to gain an advantage by attacking Hank with his crutch
-> If Referee calls off the match hank should get a rematch next week.