Mark Lancer: Hello and welcome everybody to a new episode of HOW, I am Mark Lancer, sitting besides me Joshua Brahn. We are live here from Miami Florida.
Joshua Brahn: The electricity is on an all new high. The "Big Bad Horny Daddy" Goatlord is going to make his debut any minute. I can't tell you how excited I am.
Lights go Off
Mark Lancer: It begins...
Joshua Brahn: Oh gosh.
Goatlords music hits, he comes down the ramp to make his entrance. He gets to the ring...
Goatlord: Gimme a freakin Mic.
Ringside personell gives Goatlord a microphone
Goatlord (looks around the arena): Now people are asking me, why did I come to HOW? Was it for the competition, was it for the money? Well, to be honest, it was a mix of both. I got a contract I couldn't refuse from the boss, and I'm here to kick somebodys ass. Now this brings me right to my first prey.
Fans cheer Goatlord strongly
Goatlord (getting angrier): I was watching HOW last week and I watched a skinny, out of shape poser, who flexes with spaghetti arms come out here and calls himself Crazy John. I see in Crazyjohn, the smallest of Johhnies, come out here and try to get the sympathy of the people, but you're not getting my sympy at all.
Goatlord: (getting pumped up) You're not the man with the longest goatee in the world, you're not DeathThrashZilla, you're not the man who steamrolls through his enemies. I am. I am the man and you're just going to end as a footnote in my book.
Mark Lancer: Strong words from a strong man
Joshua Brahn: This right there is what this is all about. Ma Boy Goatlord.
Goatlord: (suddenly pissed) Now that's the good news, you beeing a guy in my footnote. The bad news, it's going to hurt like hell ending up there.
Fans give Goatlord a mixed reaction
Goatlord pauses for a second, takes a short breath and continues
Goatlord (cooled off): So this goes to all my chicks out here. Goatlord is your saviour, hail me if you wanna get pound by the Big Bad Horny Daddy!